I wrote some code that uses the Lucene endpoint at http://spotlight.dbpedia.org/rest/. It works, but I wanted to see how the results differed from the Statistical endpoint. When I tried changing the URL in my code to http://spotlight.sztaki.hu:2222/rest, however, I get a "Stream Closed" Java IO exception. The code is otherwise identical.
The URL changes from
http://spotlight.dbpedia.org/rest/annotate/?confidence=0.2&support=20&text=<my URL-encoded text>
http://spotlight.sztaki.hu:2222/rest/annotate/?confidence=0.2&support=20&text=<my URL-encoded text>
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
It seems the endpoint is currently down. Worth trying in a few hours, or you can set up your own spotlight server very easily