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securesocial unable to show error message in customized login page

I'm using playframework 2.2 to develop a web site(java language), and I used securesocial to enable login with facebook/twitter. but after I customized my login page as securesocial suggested, I found that no error message is shown when there is an error.

here is the LoginView, I pass msg to view:

class LoginViews(application: play.api.Application) extends DefaultTemplatesPlugin(application)
   * Returns the html for the login page
   * @param request
   * @tparam A
   * @return
  override def getLoginPage[A](implicit request: Request[A], form: Form[(String, String)],
                               msg: Option[String] = None): Html =

and this is my html:

@(msg: Option[String] = None)

@import play.api.mvc.Request

@main("Login -- Tranest", null) { { m =>


  • A cookie is set with a default error message ( I think you can customize it) on the request.
    Try adding this in the controller and pass the error ( Option[String]) in your view.

    val error = request.cookies.get("PLAY_FLASH").map(_.value)

    This shoud do the trick.