This is a question which partly stems from my lack of linguistic understanding of Arabic and other RTL languages.
I'm working on a Sitecore site which now requires localisation for RTL languages. The specification states that all text elements should be right aligned, and of course the dir="rtl" attribute applied.
However, what I can't readily find out is whether the Sitecore Content Editor (not just the WYSIWYG control, but all input fields) should be switched to RTL and how to do this. Creating an Arabic version of an existing item does not change input fields to RTL.
Currently the Sitecore Client doesn't support RTL.
If you are worried about that you will have invalid data on the front end - don't worry. RTL just changes the flow of the text and will have no impact on how your content editors enter their content. You can see what I mean here -
<label for="rtlInput">RTL Input:</label>
<input type="text" id="rtlInput" dir="rtl" />
<label for="ltrInput">LTR Input:</label>
<input type="text" id="ltrInput" />
Test the two inputs and you will see it won`t make much difference for the content editor as the only thing changing is the text flow is a different direction. The value remains the same.