I have a Mavenized Netbeans Platform application, and i have followed THIS guide for create an Installer of it.
Now i wanna change the icons of my app, but i don't know how to do.
I have tried some different solutions:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0\harness
and in .m2\repository\org\codehaus\mojo\nbm-maven-harness\7.3\nbm-maven-harness-7.3.jar
; after installation, the icons returns at default version.CheckBox
is showed.Any solution is acceptable, the important thing is that it works
What I have done to achieve this is a mixture of everything you tried.
I indeed changed the icons through ReplaceVistaIcon from the harness. I then placed them inside a directory residing in my Maven Netbeans Application, in my case application/src/main/resources/binaries
. Afterwards I added the element binDirectory
to the configuration of the Maven build plugin of this module:
This is the way it works for me. I agree, that changing the binaries to contain the right icon is not really the cleanest way. If anyone has a nicer way to achieve this, please let us know.