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OpenJPA ReverseMappingTool with Ant

So, I'm hoping this is a simple question. I've downloaded openjpa-all-2.3.0.jar (and mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar) So, I have this as my build.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="reverser" default="reversemap" basedir=".">
    <taskdef name="reversemappingtool" classname="org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.ant.ReverseMappingToolTask">
                <pathelement location="${basedir}/mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar" />
                <pathelement location="${basedir}/openjpa-all-2.3.0.jar" />
    <target name="reversemap">
        <reversemappingtool package="com.whatever.dbresults" directory="${basedir}/src" customizerProperties="${basedir}/conf/" metadata="none" generateAnnotations="true" />

In my file, I have:


when I run it tho, I get:

/tmp/apache-openjpa-2.3.0/build.xml:10: <openjpa-2.3.0-r422266:1540826 fatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException: The persistence provider is attempting to use properties in the persistence.xml file to resolve the data source. A Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver or data source class name must be specified in the openjpa.ConnectionDriverName or javax.persistence.jdbc.driver property. The following properties are available in the configuration: "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl@ec63420c". 
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.DataSourceFactory.newDataSource(
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.createConnectionFactory(
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.getConnectionFactory(
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.getDataSource(
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.getDataSource2(
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.SchemaGenerator.<init>(
at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.ant.ReverseMappingToolTask.executeOn(

This is probably the wrong way of debugging this problem, but tracked the properties file being loaded, at line 282, and it then passes that to


before calling, files, flags, loader);

The error tho, seems to happen at line 2009 of ReverseMappingTool, at a point where it never seems to even touch the "flags".

Well. My "debugging" is probably a non-sequitur/red-herring/what have you. How can I get the reverse mapping to work in the simplest way possible? I just want to use it with ant, and not maven, etc.

EDIT 2014-08-13 OK, I managed to move the error along by changing my build.xml to

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="reverser" default="reversemap" basedir=".">
    <taskdef name="reversemappingtool" classname="org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.ant.ReverseMappingToolTask">
            <pathelement location="${basedir}/mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar" />
            <pathelement location="${basedir}/openjpa-all-2.3.0.jar" />
    <target name="reversemap">
        <reversemappingtool package="com.whatever.dbresults" directory="${basedir}/src" metadata="none" generateAnnotations="true">

But, then now, I get:

<openjpa-2.3.0-r422266:1540826 fatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.util.MetaDataException: MetaDataFactory could not be configured (conf.newMetaDataFactoryInstance() returned null). This might mean that no configuration properties were found. Ensure that you have a META-INF/persistence.xml file, that it is available in your classpath, or that the properties file you are using for configuration is available. If you are using Ant, please see the <properties> or <propertiesFile> attributes of the task's nested <config> element. This can also occur if your OpenJPA distribution jars are corrupt, or if your security policy is overly strict.



  • OK, well, I finally got it working. Of course, I don't know if this is the "right" way or not. But, it generates my classes, and that's really all I wanted.

    So, my new build file looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <project name="reverser" default="reversemap" basedir=".">
        <taskdef name="reversemappingtool" classname="org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.ant.ReverseMappingToolTask">
            <classpath /> <!-- removed classpath for the sake of making this post short -->
        <target name="reversemap">
            <reversemappingtool package="com.whatever.db" directory="${basedir}/src" metadata="none" generateAnnotations="true">
                <config propertiesFile="persistence.xml" />

    And, my persistence.xml looks like

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <persistence xmlns="" version="2.0">
      <persistence-unit name="openjpa">
          <property name="openjpa.ConnectionURL" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db"/>
          <property name="openjpa.ConnectionDriverName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
          <property name="openjpa.ConnectionUserName" value="user"/>
          <property name="openjpa.ConnectionPassword" value="password"/>
          <property name="openjpa.Log" value="DefaultLevel=WARN, Tool=INFO"/>

    So. I think that does it. Hopefully if someone else comes along and wants to know how to do reversemap with just ant and java, this will help.