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How do you use stereotype annotations in Spring 2.5.x?

When moving to Spring 2.5.x I found that it adds more stereotype annotations (on top of @Repository from 2.0): @Component, @Service and @Controller. How do you use them? Do you rely on implicit Spring support or you define custom stereotype specific functions/aspects/features? Or is it predominately for marking beans (compile time, conceptual, etc.)?


  • The following stereotype annotations in 2.5 can be used in a Spring MVC application as an alternative to wiring the beans in XML:

    • @Repository - for DAO beans - allows you to throw DataAccessException when the data source is not available.

    • @Service - for business beans - are fairly simple beans that have some default retention policies set up.

    • @Controller - for servlets - allows you to set up page request mappings, etc.

    In addition, a generic fourth annotation has been introduced: @Component. All of the MVC annotations are specialisations of this one, and you can even use @Component on it's own, though by doing this in Spring MVC, you will not make use of any future optimisations/functionality added to the higher-level annotations. You can also extend @Component to create your own custom stereotypes.

    Here is a quick example of the MVC annotations in action... First, the data access object:

    public class DatabaseDAO {
        private SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
        public List<String> getAllRecords() {
            return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select record from my_table", List.class);

    The service:

    public class DataService {
        private DatabaseDAO database;
        public List<String> getDataAsList() {
            List<String> out = database.getAllRecords();
            out.add("Create New...");
            return out;

    And finally, the controller:

    public class IndexController {
        private DataService dataService;
        @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public String doGet(ModelMap modelMap) {
            return "index";

    I found this article very good for giving a broad overview of the stereotype annotations, in addition to the official documentation.