I'm using the following code to assign a beacon uuid:
NSUUID *uuid=[[NSUUID alloc]initWithUUIDString:@"1234545-12F-...-...-DGS457DHSJFHSD"];
But I need to detect several beacons with different uuid's. How do I do it? Is there is any method to detect any possible beacon(with uuid unknown by the app) near the device?
I would like a method(if any) in Objective-C.
Thanks in advance
On iOS it is not possible to detect all iBeacons. You must tell CoreLocation
the ProximityUUIDs you want to detect up front. You may register up to 20 different ProximityUUIDs to detect at any given time by registering different CLBeaconRegion
instances, each with a different ProximityUUID.
Android, Linux and OSX do not have this restriction.