Is it possible to pass objects created in Javascript to java?
for example I have a POJO called myPojo with propertys name and address
The object is created in Javascript:
var myPojo = new Packages.CreatePOJO();
Then I pass it to a java function
var replacer = new Packages.VelocityReplace(); replacer.replace("a template", myPojo);
The replacer class is this.
public class VelocityReplace { public static String replace(String templateStr, Object in) throws Exception { ... }
The exception generated is:
Wrapped java.lang.ClassCastException: org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject cannot be cast to CreatePOJO
I am using Mirth Connect which is a real time interfacing engine that is providing & pushing the data to the myPojo object. It uses javascript for scripting, this is why I need to push the data from javascript to java.
Use JSON, probably. I'm assuming you don't want to pass functions as part of your object from JS to Java. Java JSON libraries include GSON, Jackson and others.