Trying to develop simple c++ stuff in xcode for the first time. I haven't done c++ for a while, nor do I usually use a mac so bear with me if this is trivial.
I have simply grabbed the AutoSeededRandomPool example source from here:
I used macports to grab libcryptopp +universal (the non universal one didnt work either though), and I have added libcryptopp.a to the 'link binaries with libraries' build phase for my target.
During the build I get 22 errors, which you can see for yourself here:
Using xcode 4.6.2 on oldish Lion OS X macbook pro.
Have I missed something obvious here? Thanks for your help
I have found the source of the problem was linking with the libc++ standard library rather than the more standard libstdc++ library. Xcode and Mac OS X targets were not a problem.
If I link against libstdc++ then the linking errors disappear. For future reference the giveaway seems to be the std::__1 namespacing visible in the errors, although with hindsight perhaps it should have been obvious that a library ported from linux would most likely be using the libstdc++ library.