If I have a function like the following:
function catchUndefinedFunctionCall( name, arguments )
alert( name + ' is not defined' );
and I do something silly like
foo( 'bar' );
when foo isn't defined, is there some way I can have my catch function called, with name being 'foo' and arguments being an array containing 'bar'?
There is in Mozilla Javascript 1.5 anyway (it's nonstandard).
Check this out:
var myObj = {
foo: function () {
, __noSuchMethod__: function (id, args) {
alert('Oh no! '+id+' is not here to take care of your parameter/s ('+args+')');
myObj.bar('baz', 'bork'); // => Oh no! bar is not here to take care of your parameter/s (baz,bork)
Pretty cool. Read more at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Object/NoSuchMethod