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Can I get the DOS for command to substitute the file owner and creation times?

I am running the following command in cmd.exe to list files recursively...

for /r %i in (*) do @echo %~xi %~zi %~ti %~fi

.. to get output like this:

.ext 187392 15/01/2014 14:16 C:\path\to\filename\f.ext

But can I get the file owner added to this output? I'm looking for the same owner that dir /q gives me. I'd also like to get the file creation time rather than the last-access time which I believe %~ti is giving me.

If I can't do this using for, is there a way I can do it using a combination of for and dir?


  • < lang-dos -->

    SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
    for /r "%sourcedir%" %%i in (*.pdf) do (
     SET "grab="
     FOR /f "skip=5tokens=1,2,4delims=\ " %%a IN ('dir /q /tc /-c "%%~fi"') DO IF NOT DEFINED grab (
      SET grab=Y
      echo %%~xi %%~zi %%a %%b %%c %%~fi
    GOTO :eof

    You would need to change the setting of sourcedir to suit your circumstances. I used a filemask of *.pdf to make the test results more legible. You want different? Change it!