I have a tibco activity which is giving this output in Byte.
Now i have to use this in my java code and send it to Mainframe Queue.
I am taking it as a String bwmsg="wcLDxMXGx8="
and in my main method...
byte[] bArray = bwmsg.getBytes();
BytesMessage bytmsg = session.createBytesMessage();
OUTPUT: 77634c44784d584778383d
Am i doing wrong? Something which is already a byte I am reading it as a string and then again getting the bytes out of it and doing the workaround. Is this wrong?
If yes, can you please tell how can I take that bwmsg
field as bytes and pass it on to the method.
I have Googled many links but not good help from them.
As mentioned by Jon Skeet in the above comment.I am just putting his words into code.
USE javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
static String bwmsg="wcLDxMXGx8="
static byte[] array = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(bwmsg);
And in the main method ,make the above fields static so that you can call them directly in main method.
public static void main(String [] args){
//other code here
BytesMessage bytmsg = session.createBytesMessage();
This solved my purpose hope it will help others too.