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Setting the row style of a ComponentOne DataTree FlexGrid

I am using a ComponentOne DataTree that is a FlexGrid with child grids. The parent grid has 2 columns a 'Select' column which is a checkbox and another column that is read-only. The child grid has 5 columns. The first is a checkbox and the other 4 are readonly. The read-only columns appear gray by default. I set the DataTable columns that is the data source of the grids to ReadOnly. I want the non-header columns to have a background of white by default. Neither grid is updated.

I define the style as a member variable and create the style in the Initialize method:

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.CellStyle defaultRowStyle;
 private void InitializeControls()
        txtWorkZone.Enabled = true;

        defaultRowStyle = c1flxdatatreeCasePick.Styles.Add("DefaultRowStyle");
        defaultRowStyle.BackColor = Color.White;

This is the OwnerDrawCell method that sets it:

 private void c1flxdatatreeCasePick_OwnerDrawCell(object sender, OwnerDrawCellEventArgs e)
        C1FlexDataTree grid = sender as C1FlexDataTree;
        if (grid == null || grid.DataSource == null)

        if(e.Row > 0)
            grid.Rows[e.Row].Style = grid.Styles["DefaultRowStyle"];

        //Get the child grid
        C1FlexDataTree childGrid = grid.Rows[e.Row].UserData as C1FlexDataTree;

        if (childGrid != null)
            if(e.Row > 0)
                 childGrid.Rows[e.Row].Style = grid.Styles["DefaultRowStyle"];                 

Why won't the grids get the row style setting?

Thanks Gloria


  • You wont be able to use OwnerDrawCell as you've expected here. After the FlexGrid is loaded on the form use the following snippet used to repaint readonly columns background:

    C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.CellStyle cs;
    cs = _flex.Cols[2].StyleDisplay;
    cs.BackColor = Color.White;
    cs = _flex.Cols[3].StyleDisplay;
    cs.BackColor = Color.White;

    If you need to change the background color of the Child Tables you have to change each child's properties individually. Use the following snippet to access the Child tables:

    for (int row = 0; row <  _flex.Rows.Count; row++)
    C1FlexDataTree child = _flex.Rows[row].UserData as C1FlexDataTree;
    if (child != null)
          // Access Child Tables here 

    To make the child tables in my C1FlexDataTree read-only:

    for (int row = 0; row <  _flex.Rows.Count; row++)
    C1FlexDataTree child = _flex.Rows[row].UserData as C1FlexDataTree;
    if (child != null)
        foreach (Column c in child.Cols)
            c.AllowEditing = false;