I am using ImageJ v1.49e (that comes with it java 1.6.0_24 (64bit))
I wrote a macro that read images from an input directory, does some processing and depending on a condition moves the image to an output directory. Runs in batch mode because I expect to process like 100,000 images.
So I run the macro from ImageJ and I monitor the memory usage via JConsole and I just see the memory usage going up and up and never comes back down. ImageJ has 6GB allocated but soon enough it reaches that limit. Even if I invoke the GC from JConsole or from the macro it does nothing.
I check to make sure I am running in batch mode and closing any window I am opening, still no go. Can't find anything on the net either as to why this is happening.
Am I not releasing my resources correctly? Is there something I'm missing?
Below the is the Macro Code
inputDir = getDirectory("Choose the Input Directory");
outputDir = getDirectory("Choose the Output Directory");
inputDir = replace(inputDir,"\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
outputDir = replace(outputDir,"\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
if(inputDir != "" || outputDir != "") {
analyzeImagesBatch(inputDir, outputDir);
else {
exit("Must select an input and output directory");
function analyzeImagesBatch(inputDir, outputDir) {
inputList = getFileList(inputDir);
for (i=0; i < inputList.length; i++) {
showProgress(i+1, inputList.length);
fileName = inputList[i];
ok = imageAnalysis(inputDir, outputDir, fileName, 50, 30, 20);
if(ok != 1) {
imageAnalysis(inputDir, outputDir, fileName, 5, 10, 10);
function imageAnalysis(inputDir, outputDir, fileName, backgroundValue, size, countThresh) {
ok = 0;
imageId = getImageID();
run("Subtract Background...", "rolling="+backgroundValue);
setOption("BlackBackground", false);
run("Convert to Mask");
run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+size+"-Infinity circularity=0.40-1.00 exclude clear");
count = nResults();
if(count >= countThresh) {
ok = File.rename(inputDir+fileName, outputDir+fileName);
return ok;
I re-wrote the macro as a Java Plugin and ran it on the same set of 100,000 images. Memory usage stayed below 70mb.
Definately is a memory leak when using IJ macros.