Example: http://jsfiddle.net/za14jqw0/3/
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="a"></div>
#a {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
background-color: red;
$('#wrapper').on('mouseup', function() {
$('#a').css('background-color', 'yellow');
The red box changes to yellow whenever there's a mouse up event.
The problem is that on touch devices, if the user touches the screen, move the finger around and wait a few seconds, the mouseup event is not fired.
How can I detect it?
too.The touchend event is fired when a touch point is removed from the touch surface.
$('#wrapper').on('mouseup touchend', function() {
$('#a').css('background-color', 'yellow');
I can't find statistics regarding cross browser support, which is alarming considering the fluctuant nature of mobile browsers. If need be, you can use a libary such as jQuery mobile, which has an equivalent 'tap' event. Remember, you can select specific modules to download using the download builder to negate bloat.