I am implementing an application using Google Maps and Leap Motion and what I want right now, and I am a bit stuck, is a way to convert (x, y) screen coordinates into a Google Maps LatLng object.
I want to achieve this in order to start, for example, a panorama (Street View) at the point where the user is pointing with the Leap Motion.
I know about the presence of fromPointToLatLng function, but I have no clue what is the right approach in using it and how can I translate my x and y coordinates into lat lng variables.
Can you please help me with this?
After some research and some fails I came up with a solution. Following the documentation from this link I found out that the google Points are computed in the range of x:[0-256], y:[0-256] (a tile being 256x256 pixels) and the (0,0) point being the leftmost point of the map (check the link for more information).
However, my approach is as it follows:
having the x and y coordinates (which are coordinates on the screen - on the map) I computed the percentage where the x and y coordinates were placed in response to the div containing the map (in my case, the hole window)
computed the NortEast and SouthWest LatLng bounds of the (visible) map
converted the bounds in google Points
computed the new lat and lng, in google points, with the help of the boundaries and percentage of x and y
converted back to lat lng
// retrieve the lat lng for the far extremities of the (visible) map
var latLngBounds = map.getBounds();
var neBound = latLngBounds.getNorthEast();
var swBound = latLngBounds.getSouthWest();
// convert the bounds in pixels
var neBoundInPx = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(neBound);
var swBoundInPx = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(swBound);
// compute the percent of x and y coordinates related to the div containing the map; in my case the screen
var procX = x/window.innerWidth;
var procY = y/window.innerHeight;
// compute new coordinates in pixels for lat and lng;
// for lng : subtract from the right edge of the container the left edge,
// multiply it by the percentage where the x coordinate was on the screen
// related to the container in which the map is placed and add back the left boundary
// you should now have the Lng coordinate in pixels
// do the same for lat
var newLngInPx = (neBoundInPx.x - swBoundInPx.x) * procX + swBoundInPx.x;
var newLatInPx = (swBoundInPx.y - neBoundInPx.y) * procY + neBoundInPx.y;
// convert from google point in lat lng and have fun :)
var newLatLng = map.getProjection().fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(newLngInPx, newLatInPx));
Hope this solution will help someone out also! :)