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AngularJS : Can't figure out why nested angular directive does not get rendered when transcluding with transclude:'element'

I have this custom directive called 'panel'.

<panel title="One Title">
    One Body
    <panel title="Two Title">two</panel>

My issue is that I cannot get the nested panel directive to render. Please see the plunkr for the javascript.

I expect

    <h1>One Title</h1>
        One Body
            <h1>Two Title</h1>
             <div>Two Body</div>

but instead I get

    <h1>One Title</h1>
    <div>One Body</div>

As you will see, my aim is to render the output from data provided from the controller instead of manipulating the dom. I'm exploring the use of directives as just a means of collecting the data and providing it to the controller, so that the template can then just be rendered from data provided by the controller. As a result, I'm looking for a solution that does not use ng-transclude on a div but instead uses some combination of $compile and or transclude(scope, fun...) to achieve the stated goal. My aim is also in the process to better understand how $compile and transclude(scope, fun...) can be effectively used.


  • This isn't going to be simple, since you are willing to rely on the ng-bind-html.

    Lets look at this first:

    transclude(scope, function(clone, scope){

    The clone in the above function will contain a comment placeholder of a child panel directive like this:

    One Body
    <!-- panel: undefined -->

    This is because the child panel directive have transclude: 'element', and its link function hasn't been run yet.

    To fixed this is easy, just modify the code a bit:

    var clone = transclude(scope, function () {});

    This way the clone will contain a real template like this:

    One Body
    <div class="ng-scope"><h1 class="ng-binding">{{panel.title}}</h1><div class="inner ng-binding" ng-bind-html="panel.body"></div></div>

    Not so surprise, we now have a real template, but the bindings haven't happened yet, so we still can't use clone.html() at this time.

    And the real problem begin: How can we know when the bindings will be finished

    AFAIK, we can't know when exactly. But to workaround this we can use $timeout!

    By using $timeout, we are breaking a normal compilation cycle, so we have to find some way to let parent panel directive know that the binding of child directives have been finished (in $timeout).

    One way is using controllers for communication and the final code will look like this:

    app.controller('PanelCtrl', function($scope, $sce) {    
      $scope.panel = {
        title: 'ttt',
        body: $sce.trustAsHtml('bbb'),
      this.setTitle = function(title) {
        $scope.panel.title = title;
      this.setBody = function(body) {
        $scope.panel.body = body;
      var parentCtrl,
          childCount = 0;
      this.onChildRendered = function(callback) {
        onChildRenderedCallback = function () {
          if (parentCtrl) {
            $timeout(parentCtrl.notify, 0);
        if (!childCount) {
          $timeout(onChildRenderedCallback, 0);
      this.notify = function() {
        if (childCount === 0 && onChildRenderedCallback) {
      this.addChild = function() {
      this.setParent = function (value) {
        parentCtrl = value;
    app.directive('panel', function($compile, $sce, $timeout) {
      return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {},
        replace: true,
        transclude: 'element',
        controller: 'PanelCtrl',
        require: ['panel', '?^panel'],
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls, transclude) {
          var panelCtrl = ctrls[0];
          var parentCtrl = ctrls[1];
          if (parentCtrl) {
          var template =
            '<div>' +
            '  <h1>{{panel.title}}</h1>' +
            '  <div class="inner" ng-bind-html="panel.body"></div>' +
          var templateContents = angular.element(template);
          var compileTemplateContents = $compile(templateContents);
          var clone = transclude(scope, function () {});
          panelCtrl.onChildRendered(function() {

    Example Plunker:

    I've left a lot of console.log() in the plunker, you could have a look to see what are really happen.

    PS. Things will be a lot easier if you don't use ng-bind-html and just allow DOM manupulations or using something like in @WilliamScott's answer.