I am updating a userform, and have added many more controls on separate tabs. I am getting ready to update my Initialize sub, and was wondering if there is a feature that will allow me to list and/or print all the control-objects on the form?
Having their other properties would be swell as well, since it would give me a map of what I need to set up, as well as use it as a checklist to make sure I complete everything that's needed. It would be more efficient to do that than run through them all, hope I have the right names and cell-references, wash/rinse/repeat.
Sub ListControls()
Dim lCntr As Long
Dim aCtrls() As Variant
Dim ctlLoop As MSForms.Control
'Change UserForm Name In The Next Line
For Each ctlLoop In MyUserForm.Controls
lCntr = lCntr + 1: Redim Preserve aCtrls(1 To lCntr)
'Gets Type and name of Control
aCtrls(lCntr) = TypeName(ctlLoop)&":"&ctlLoop.Name
Next ctlLoop
'Change Worksheet Name In The Next Line
Worksheets("YrSheetName").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(aCtrls)).Value = Application.Transpose(aCtrls)
End Sub
This worked perfectly, adding all controls to a manually created sheet. Make sure to read comments and make changes required for individual projects.
Thanks to the folks at OzGrid who answered this question many moons ago. Lesson: keep trying different words in Google as long as you have options.