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how to make work jasmine-ajax with grunt-contrib-jasmine

I am trying to use the jasmine-ajax library to mock ajax request with grunt-contrib-jasmine, but it seems jasmine is not able to find the library (it says jasmine.Ajax is not defined).

my grunt file:

   jasmine: {
                src :[ '<%= watch.files %>'],
                options: {
                    vendor: 'vendor/mock-ajax.js',
                    specs : ['specs/**/*spec.js'],
                    helpers : 'specs/helpers/*.js',
                    timeout : 10000

I downloaded mock-ajax.js and put it in a vendor folder. this is the part of the test where the error appears:

  beforeEach(function() {


  • solved.. for the interest of others with the same problem: the file in did not worked for me. I installed jasmine-ajax via npm and then referenced its version of mock-ajax.js from the gruntfile: vendor: ['node_modules/jasmine-ajax/lib/mock-ajax.js'],

    thanks to jsoverson for the hints in checking the paths (