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Dojotoolkit store.GetValue when TextBox inside

i have a question regarding the dojotoolkit. I have a DataGrid and want to get a value inside of it. The tricky part is, that the value is a TextBox.

My structure for the DataGrid looks like this:

grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
        store: store,
        structure: [
                name: "Quantity", field: "Quantity", width: "30px",
                formatter: function(item)
                    var tb = new dijit.form.TextBox(
                        name: "quantity",
                        value: "1",
                        placeHolder: "quantity", 

                    return tb;
            { name: "Value", field: "Value", width: "auto"}
    }, "bGrid"); 

I have furthermore a button which can be clicked. If the button was clicked, this function is executed:

myClass.prototype.Test = function Test(tItem)
    var item = tItem;
    var val = grid.getItem(item.value); //Value in this case is an integer refering to the position of my item in the grid
    var quantity;
    var name;

        var store =;
        quantity = store.getValue(val, 'Quantity');
        name = store.getValue(val, 'Value');
    console.log("Quantity "+quantity+ " Name: "+name);

the name variable is set correctly but i don't get anything from quantity. I would guess that i would get the TextBox but i receive nothing.

Does anybody know how to access the field of the store ?


  • I think because the Textbox is a widget you can get access to its value by setting an id for it and get the element by


    Regards, Miriam