Trying to teach myself some clojure, am using play-clj. I dont understand why this works:
(defn add-shape
[x y entities]
(write-state [x y])
(conj entities (o-shape x y)))
While this doesnt:
(defn add-shape
[x y entities]
(conj entities (o-shape x y)
(write-state [x y]))
Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:No implementation of method: :draw-entity! of protocol: #'play-clj.entities/Entity found for class: java.lang.Long
These are the two related functions:
(defn x-shape
[x y]
(shape :line
:line (- x 100) (- 600 100 y) (+ x 100) (- (+ 600 100) y)
:line (- x 100) (- (+ 600 100) y) (+ x 100) (- 600 100 y)))
(defn write-state
(dosync (alter state conj arg)))
Pretty sure you have a misplaced paren in the second. Try this:
(defn add-shape
[x y entities]
(conj entities (o-shape x y)) ;; This is effectively a no-op, results are not used.
(write-state [x y])) ;; returns the results of write-state,
;; ie the result of conj-ing [x y] onto the value in ref state
However, I now think the root of your problem is the two versions have different return values. Here's what the first returns:
(defn add-shape
[x y entities]
(write-state [x y])
(conj entities (o-shape x y))) ;; returns the results of conj-ing the results of (o-shape x y)
;; onto the passed-in value of entities
TLDR: the functions return different values, your program probably only works with the results of your first.