I'm creating a generator with yeoman and I have a small issue.
Basically my generator will be abble to create a module structure like that :
When I execute my generator I'm in the parent folder of nameofmodule (nameofmodule folder is created by the generator).
Now I would like to save a yo-rc.json file to save some configurations (as the module name).
The issue is that I would like the yo-rc.json file to be in the nameofmodule folder and not in the folder where I've initiated the yeoman generator.
Do you know how I could change the yo-rc.json file path ? Or maybe create a new one in nameofmodule ?
Thanks a lot
I managed to change .yo-rc.json path by changing destination root path:
this.destinationRoot(path.join(this.destinationRoot(), '/' + this.appDir));
So after I created my app structure I called:
this.on('end', function () {
this.destinationRoot(path.join(this.destinationRoot(), '/' + this.appDir));
this.config.set('appName', this.appName);
this.config.set('appDir', this.appDir);
this.config.set('modules', []);
Right now it works for me only with Base generator. I have no idea how to apply destination root across NamedBase generators.
I hope this is helpful.