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what are l-value and r-value expression?

what is the order of precedence for pre ++, post ++ and * ? how these expression are parsed in VS 08 compiler.

 void main(){
        int arr[] ={34,11,43};
        int *ptr = arr;

explain the l value expression. i want to understand why ++*ptr++ is a valid expression, while ++ptr++ is giving error.

error: '++' needs l-value


  • ++p++

    Says: pre-increment p and post-increment p (in unspecified order). Even if it were allowed it would invoke undefined behavior due to modifying p more than once before encountering a sequence point.

    Anyway, the increment operators, post- and pre-, return an rvalue. An rvalue is the value of an expression. It has no location to write to and can be thought as an intermediate value.


    This expression initially results in an lvalue, *p. That location can be written to, so it is incremented by the pre-increment and then p itself is incremented. The increment results in an rvalue, but you are not attempting to modify it.