I have a table like in this fiddle. I need to find data related to the row which contains given text.
For example, by providing 1707
, I need to get all data in table row which contains 1707
. So output should be as below.
Tuesday 2014-08-05 1707 33 43 47 52 image text
Currently I'm accessing data on html page as below.
Document doc;
try {
doc = Jsoup
.connect("url here").timeout(300000).userAgent("Mozilla").get();
Element table = doc.select("table#customers").first();
if (table != null) {
Iterator<Element> iterator = table.select("td").iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("Day : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("Date : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("Draw : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("No1 : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("No2 : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("No3 : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("No4 : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("Symbol : " + iterator.next().text());
System.out.println("Non : " + iterator.next().text());
} else {
.println("No results were found according to search criteria.");
} catch (IOException e) {
The above code return all data on table. But I need to get data related to given text.
How could I achieve this?
As shown in jsoup documentation you can use the pseudo-selector :contains(text)
table.select("tr:contains(1707) td")
You can try it here