I created a service called notifier
that use toastr
to alert the user during the log in process if the user successfully logged in or not.
here is my log in module:
var login = angular.module('login',[]);
login.controller('mvLoginCtrl', function($scope, $http){
$scope.signin = function(username, passowrd){
$http.post('/login', {username:username, passowrd:passowrd}).then(function(response){
mvNotifier.notify('You have successfully signed in!');
mvNotifier.notify('Username/Password combination incorrect');
i got no errors till here but when i try to sign in i get this obvious error :
ReferenceError: mvNotifier is not defined
i changed my log in module at the line 2 including the required dependencies:
login.controller('mvLoginCtrl', function($scope, $http, mvNotifier)
but then i got different error
Error: [$injector:unpr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.20/$injector/unpr?p0=mvIdentityProvider%20%3C-%20mvIdentity
and i want to ask what is the reason i got this error and how to solve it. here is my mvNotifier module code:
var notifier = angular.module('notifier', []);
notifier.value('mvToastr', toastr);
notifier.factory('mvNotifier', function(myToastr){
notify: function(msg){
thank you.
You need to inject myNotifier something like this:
var login = angular.module('login',['notifier']);
login.controller('mvLoginCtrl', ['$scope','$http','mvNotifier',function($scope, $http,mvNotifier){
$scope.signin = function(username, passowrd){
$http.post('/login', {username:username, passowrd:passowrd}).then(function(response){
mvNotifier.notify('You have successfully signed in!');
mvNotifier.notify('Username/Password combination incorrect');
More on Dependency Injection