I have a Javascript function that saves JSON data locally, using an ActiveXObject in IE9. It links into FileSystemObject or FSO scripting for file access.
If this Javascript function is run more than once, I get an error in IE debugger: "SCRIPT70: Permission denied" pointing to ts = savefile.OpenAsTextStream(2);
Why will it run just fine the first time, but not after that? My best guess is that something's not being released properly, although I can find no information on MSDN (or here).
Here's the code:
function SaveMyJSON() {
var ts;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var savefilepath = "C:\\MyFolder\\saveFile.json"
var savefile = fso.GetFile(savefilepath);
// open for writing only, value 2, overwriting the previous
// contents of the file
ts = savefile.OpenAsTextStream(2);
var myTestJson = {"id1" : "one", "id2" : "two"};
// copy to json