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Accessing JNDI with Play 2.2

I am trying to access a Datasource specified in the Tomcat server.xml and context.xml by play. The playapplication is located as war within the tomcat webapps and also has the Connection in its web.xml specified with:

      <description>DB Connection</description>

To see hat the connection is specified I used a jsp to check the configuration:

Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
Context componentBindings = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) componentBindings.lookup("jdbc/Testconnection");
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
String connectionUrl = connection.getMetaData().getURL();

This showed the exspected result. When trying to access the database within the play application it always results in: "could not find datasource for ....: Token not allowed in path expression: '-'" pointing to the line containing DB.withConnection in my play app.

So what is confusing me is that there is not such a token as '-' within my whole code.

I tried to access the following combinations:

DB.withConnection("java:comp/env/jdbc/Testconnection") { imlicit c => .......}

DB.withConnection("java:jdbc/Testconnection") { imlicit c => .......}

DB.withConnection("jdbc/Testconnection") { imlicit c => .......}

Would be great if anybody can provide me with a solution or point me in the right direction.

Thank you very much!


So the Solution (thanks to applicius!) could be:

import javax.naming.{Context, InitialContext}

import javax.sql.DataSource


var conn: java.sql.Connection = (new InitialContext).lookup("java:/comp/env").asInstanceOf[Context].lookup("jdbc/Testconnection").asInstanceOf[DataSource].getConnection

val result: Option[Result] = SQL(queryName).on(("variable","replaceValue")).singleOpt(Result.rowMapper)(conn)



  • Play DB API is expecting a Play datasource name (one corresponding to entry in Play application.conf), not a JNDI name.

    Either you get connection by your self using regular JNDI lookup and use it in your Play app (having to release it by yourself), or you move/duplicate datasource settings into Play config.