I'm trying to call the authenticate method in Simple Auth's login-controller-mixin.
Here's my controller:
ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend(
authenticator: 'simple-auth-authenticator:devise'
relayAuthentication: (id, password) ->
does seem to work but my context is getting messed up.
More generally, is this the correct way to call a method that's been mixed in to an Ember controller?
Here's what I'm ultimately trying to do:
I have a component which handles logging in. Here's the template:
{{#if isFormOpen}}
<div class="row">
<form class="large-4 columns" {{action 'authenticate' on='submit'}}>
<label for="identification">Login</label>
{{input id='identification' placeholder='Enter Login' value=identification}}
<label for="password">Password</label>
{{input id='password' placeholder='Enter Password' type='password' value=password}}
<button type="submit">Login</button>
<button type="button" {{action 'toggleForm'}}>Cancel</button>
{{#if session.isAuthenticated}}
<a class="button tiny" {{action 'invalidateSession'}}>Logout</a>
<a class="button tiny" {{action 'toggleForm'}}>Login</a>
Here's the component itself:
`import Ember from 'ember'`
LoginComponent = Ember.Component.extend(
toggleForm: ->
authenticate: ->
@sendAction('action', @identification, @password)
`export default LoginComponent`
The authenticate action is passed in to the component when it's used ({{login-form action="authenticate"}}
That authenticate method comes from a Simple Auth mixin on the application controller.
I'm not really sure how to give the original authenticate method (from the mixin) what it wants, ie: context.
No, it's not. If it's a method, you just call it in the normal way. If it's an action, you just send it in the normal way.
relayAuthentication: (id, password) ->
@send 'authenticate', id, password
But in this case, why not simply specify the authenticate
action directly in the template instead of going through relayAuthentication