I have followed the example on: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/dygraphs-users/9RL8-4-e35Y to synchronize 4 dygraphs. Some of these graphs will have multiple time series. However I would like to have the possibility to use two y axis for some graphs to account for the fact that not all data is on the same (y)scale and I don't want too many unnecessary graphs. Is this possible?
The code I'm using:
<script type="text/javascript">
files = [ "DataFiles/NRTData.csv", "DataFiles/data1.csv", "DataFiles/data1.csv", "DataFiles/data1.csv" ];
gs = [];
var blockRedraw = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
new Dygraph(
document.getElementById("div" + i),
files[i - 1], {
rollPeriod: 7,
//errorBars: true,
errorBars: false,
drawCallback: function(me, initial) {
if (blockRedraw || initial) return;
blockRedraw = true;
var range = me.xAxisRange();
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (gs[j] == me) continue;
gs[j].updateOptions( { dateWindow: range } );
blockRedraw = false;
I assume I should insert the code below (from another [working] dygraph) somewhere in the code above, however after trying many options I can't get it to work..
labels: [ 'DateTime', 'a', 'b' ],
ylabel: 'a ',
y2label: ' b ',
series : {
'a': {
axis: 'y1',
errorBars: false,
'b': {
axis: 'y2'
axes: {
y: {
// set axis-related properties here
drawGrid: true,
independentTicks: true,
axisLabelColor: 'green'
y2: {
// set axis-related properties here
labelsKMB: true,
drawGrid: true,
independentTicks: true,
axisLabelColor: 'blue'
x: {
axisLabelFormatter: function(d) {
return d.strftime('%Y %m-%d %H');
Here there is an example jsfiddle
you have to create two object of options
then, in the code separate function used in drawCallBack
var redraw = function(me, initial) {
if (blockRedraw || initial) return;
blockRedraw = true;
var range = me.xAxisRange();
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (gs[j] == me) continue;
gs[j].updateOptions( { dateWindow: range } );
blockRedraw = false;
var opt1 = {
// add function to this object too.
drawCallback: redraw,
labels: ['DateTime', 'a', 'b'],
ylabel: 'a',
y2label: 'b',
series : {
'a': {
axis: 'y1',
errorBars: false,
'b': {
axis: 'y2'
axes: {
y: {
// set axis-related properties here
drawGrid: true,
independentTicks: true,
axisLabelColor: 'green'
y2: {
// set axis-related properties here
labelsKMB: true,
drawGrid: true,
independentTicks: true,
axisLabelColor: 'blue'
x: {
axisLabelFormatter: function(d) {
return d.strftime('%Y %m-%d %H');
var opt2 = {
rollPeriod: 7,
//errorBars: true,
errorBars: false,
drawCallback: redraw
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
new Dygraph(
document.getElementById("div" + i),
files[i - 1],
// use opt1 in i=1
(i === 1) ? opt1 : opt2)