Here is my code:
<% @garments.each do |garment| %>
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_adminpanel_path(
:id => garment["objectId"],
:image => garment["image"].url,
:image2 => garment["image2"].url,
:image3 => garment["image3"].url,
:image4 => garment["image4"].url,
:image5 => garment["image5"].url,
:image6 => garment["image6"].url)
As you see I'm creating params and setting them with the image url of images. However an object won't always have 6 images. Some may have 2 some may have 3 some may even have just 1 image. The call to nil properties will cause my app to crash.
I tried to add if statements at the end of each line before the comma but this doesn't work. How can I safely check if an object image exists and only then create and set it's corresponding params value?
Originally I tried passing the whole object as a param but ran into problems in my other controller. So for now I'd like to pass the image URL's separately.
Thanks for your time
You can build it dynamically, by adding only values that exist:
<% path_params = %w(image image2 image3 image4 image5 image6).each_with_object(:id => garment["objectId"]) do |name, hash|
hash[name.to_sym] = garment[name].url if garment[name]
end %>
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_adminpanel_path(path_params) %>