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How to take a screenshot in cordova/phonegap application

I am trying to take a screenshot in my cordova application using this plugin, but an error is occuring. I don't really know what the error is, as I am testing it on my android smartphone and the app just blocks. In the browser, the same is happening with this error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'save' of undefined, where 'save' comes from this code:,res){

P.S.:  Also tried navigator.plugin.screenshot..., navigator.plugins.screenshot,         window.screenshot, window.plugin.screenshot and window.plugins.screenshot

P.S.2: I checked if plugin is installed with cordova plugins in cordova CLI and everything is ok, plugin           exists in plugins folder and is for cordova version>=3.0.0 and mine is newer

But of course, the browser isn't really loading the plugin, because this error also occurs there: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:23273/www/cordova_plugins.json. No screenshot is taken, checked on my smartphone.


  • I'm using Worklight and was going through the same problem. My solution was to change de code of the file Screenshot.js to:

    var formats = ['png','jpg'];
    function Screenshot() {
    } = function (callback,format,quality, filename) {
        format = (format || 'png').toLowerCase();
        filename = filename || 'screenshot_'+Math.round((+(new Date()) + Math.random()));
        if(formats.indexOf(format) === -1){
            return callback && callback(new Error('invalid format '+format));
        quality = typeof(quality) !== 'number'?100:quality;
            callback && callback(null,res);
        }, function(error){
            callback && callback(error);
        }, "Screenshot", "saveScreenshot", [format, quality, filename]);
    Screenshot.install = function () {
          if (!window.plugins) {
            window.plugins = {};
          window.plugins.screenshot = new Screenshot();
          return window.plugins.screenshot;

    This way I can make the call with the following code:,res){
                alert('ok',res.filePath); //should be path/to/myScreenshot.jpg

    This worked perfectly on my Android smartphone.

    I also added in res / xml / config.xml file:

    <feature name="Screenshot">
        <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.screenshot.Screenshot"/>

    In the AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android: name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

    And added the java class in the following package: org.apache.cordova.screenshot.Screenshot

    All these configurations have the information in the plugin.xml file of the plugin