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Newrelic php agent error tracing

I am a bit confused about how New Relic tracks errors in a php application.

Does the error level set in the application (with error_reporting()) matter for the php agent? Or does it still get all errors? Are there cases in which the php agent will not be able to gather errors?


  • The New Relic PHP agent hooks into PHP and any errors that hit the PHP error handler will be passed on to us. We typically ignore 4xx errors but anything else detected by PHP should get collected.

    As we're listening for errors detected by PHP, changing the error level will also affect the level of errors New Relic can see. Ee will never report errors with a level of E_NOTICE or E_USER_NOTICE

    Errors with the web-server which prevent the PHP extension from loading will not be tracked. There's also a known compatibility issue with Xdebug which prevents our agent from tracking errors.