Let's say I have a Nodelist:
list = document.querySelectorAll('div');
and I want to shuffle it. How would I do this?
The only answer I came across, here suggests turning the nodelist into an array
var arr = [].concat(x);
Similarly, the MDN suggests the following (to turn a NodeList into an array
var turnObjToArray = function(obj) {
return [].map.call(obj, function(element) {
return element;
My question is, is there no way to do this without turning a NodeList into an array?
And, which of the above two methods is better?
And, once you have turned a NodeList into an array, does anything change when you operate on certain members of the array? (I.e. does deleting one node from the array delete it from the NodeList)?
If you need to change the order of elements in-place this may help you
var list = document.querySelector('div'), i;
for (i = list.children.length; i >= 0; i--) {
list.appendChild(list.children[Math.random() * i | 0]);
Working jsBin
Side note: concat() in general is slower