Is there any good way (other than tediously querying each property) to build a diagnostic dump string for an HttpWebRequest in C#? For simple objects one can get away with using new JObject(theObject)
, but that doesn't work for HttpWebRequest (and toString
is, of course, as useless on HttpWebRequest as it is on any C# object).
Is there any general way to do this for any subset of C# objects (other than using new JObject
as I already mentioned)?
Update: I've found that using JsonConvert.SerializeObject (one suggestion in Hans' link) does a decent job of dumping the HttpWebRequest (though it doesn't get the request stream). And I kind of got the System.Net.Tracing stuff to work (though the documentation, as usual for .NET stuff, sucks royally).
This turns out to work pretty well:
string httpWebRequestDump(HttpWebRequest hwr)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hwr,Formatting.Indented);
The only problem is that it doesn't dump the associated request stream. I have not found a way to extract that from the request.