I find EGit great and use it intensively, but it can be incredibly slow. It can get frustrating when it takes several minutes to complete operations that the C version of git (Cgit) does in less than a couple of seconds.
All operations are significantly slower than Cgit. For example switching branches will take 10's of seconds compared to near instant. A rebase can take several minutes compared to less than a couple of seconds.
History size: 10114 commits as reported with: git rev-list HEAD --count
Current Working directory size: 63.7 MB
Current .git size: 77.4 MB
Largest file size: 4.0 MB
OS: Linux - CentOS 5.5
File System: ext3
JVM: Oracle - Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b11)
EGit and JGit version:
I was previously running 2.3 but did not notice any change in performance after upgrading.
I found the following quote in JGit's bugzilla here:
...EGit had to expose UI to allow users to configure it when working on bigger repositories.
Which sounds like it fits my case. So I looked around in eclipse and under Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git
found these Git Window Cache settings:
But how do I use them?
What do the different controls actually do? Has anyone had any success in getting EGit to be more responsive by using them?
EGit 3.5.0 will bring huge performance fix for large repositories - without "tuning" anything. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=440722
You can use nightly EGit build update site to get the fix immediately: http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates-nightly