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What is method to get URL before tab redirect in firefox?

I have developed a Add-on for Firefox.

It has a redirect link:,d.dGc

This link redirects to:

I am using this code to get redirect link before redirect

    var doc = event.originalTarget;
    var origEl = || event.srcElement;
    if(origEl.tagName === 'A' || origEl.tagName === 'a') {
             alert( gBrowser.currentURI.spec);

It gives:

https:// developer. mozilla. org/en-US/Add-ons/Code_snippets/Tabbed_browser

But I need the previous redirect link.

I think gBrowser.currentURI.spec get current Url of tab. I searched on Google but didn't find method to get original redirect link.


  • gBrowser.webNavigation.referringURI

    This will give you the current tab only. If you want of a specific tab then go:

    var tabIndex = 0; //first tab
    var referredFromURI = gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[tabIndex].linkedBrowser.webNavigation.referringURI;

    This isn't really the redirected from, but the referred from. But it works. If there is no referred URI than this property is null.

    Also the person who downvoted your question is a loser. Good question you asked.