I've using a rating system on my webpage. I've used this jQuery plugin for it. This is my fiddle. I want, rating number(for example, 2 out of 5 or 2/5 which is located right side of my jiddle) will also be changed at the time of changing star rating just like imdb.com. How can I make this?
average: 0.42,
autoUpdateAverage: true,
ghosting: true
Can you check this one? Here the right line is updated on hover, and when you leave the star, it put back the initial value corresponding to the highlighted stars
average: 0.4,
autoUpdateAverage: true,
ghosting: true
$('.star').hover(function() {
var currentHoveredNote = parseInt($(this).attr('class').replace("star star-", "")) + 1;
$(this).closest(".block").find(".rating-value p").text(currentHoveredNote + '/5');
}, function() {
$(this).closest(".block").find(".rating-value p").text(parseFloat($(this).closest(".starbox").starbox("getOption", "average")) * 5 + '/5');