I got the mistake but no solution. It seems that 'isEditable', 'isOnline' and 'isRecycled' are not sent as booleans but as strings. Therefore my Validaton did not pass and the Error-Response was not valid JSON.
But why does the .save() call sents the booleans as string?
Original Post
Can anyone tell me why following function throws
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '
at Object.parse (native)
at fromJson (https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.14/angular.js:1072:14)
As my postData is logged correctly, I think there is a mistake in my resource-save. On the server side I have a simple selfmade php-framework made using Symfony2 components and the $save call of the resource adds a new row in my database and returns this row as a JSON object.
$scope.createStructure = function($event, createdStructure){
if(createdStructure.copy != null){
copyId = createdStructure.copy.id;
} else {
copyId = 0;
postData = {
'title': createdStructure.title,
'id': copyId,
'isEditable': false,
'isOnline': false,
'isRecycled': false
Structure.save({}, postData, function(response){
PHP can't tell what data type is being passed in. The POST data is seen as a string. Check this previous answer out. I believe it covers the issue you are having.
, which is also covered in the answer I linked. I think it'll help you.
For example:
$isEditable= filter_var ($_POST['isEditable'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
That should make $isEditable
a boolean.