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Recreating Chrome's Faux Italics in SVG

I'm using some google web fonts for dynamically rendered svg logos. The fonts I'm using don't have italic versions and I'm actually pretty happy with the way Chrome fakes it when I put font-style="italic". The only problem is that firefox doesn't seem to fake it at all. This fiddle shows it:

Is there a set way of recreating that Chrome functionality across all browsers?

Just to clarify what I'm seeing: Chrome (36.0.1985.125 OSX):

Chrome Faux Italics

Firefox (31.0 OSX):

enter image description here

UPDATE: so after playing around with it some more, it turns out Firefox will do faux italics unless the text element also has a stroke defined on it:


  • Definitely a bug in Mozilla. My quick fix with SVG magic:-

    font-style="normal" transform="translate(10,0) skewX(-20)"