This is the problem that I have in PHP and jQuery. I want to make a "smart" function that will not only clean white space, but also a certain character at the beginning and end of the string. Why?
I made administration panel who manage with subdomains. Allowed characters is [a-z0-9-.]. If someone accidentally write "-my.domanin." or ".my-domain" or "-my-domain-" or a similar variation is problem. I need to trim that to look like this "my-domain" or "my.domain"
Is this possible? Thanks!
function mytrim($stringToTrim) {
return trim($tringToTrim, " \t\n\r\0\x0B.-");
The first part of the string, " \t\n\r\0\x0B", strips white space from the beginning and ends and the second part, ".-" strips the "." and "-" characters.
Clearly you could just use trim() in your script, I just put it in a function for the example.