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Generic packet system for Lidgren

I'm using Lidgren.Networking to send data between server and clients in a client/server architecture. I have created a Packet class to use when sending packets over the network.


public abstract class Packet : IPackable
    public abstract void PackIntoNetMessage(NetOutgoingMessage msg);
    public abstract void PopulateFromNetMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg);


interface IPackable
    void PackIntoNetMessage(NetOutgoingMessage msg);
    void PopulateFromNetMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg);

Then I have application specific packet classes like this

public class PositionPacket : Packet
    public int PosX { get; set; }
    public int PosY { get; set; }

    public override void PackIntoNetMessage(NetOutgoingMessage m)

    public override void PopulateFromNetMessage(NetIncomingMessage m)
        PosX = m.ReadInt32();
        PosY = m.ReadInt32();

Sending the packets is easy, I just create a packet and PackIntoNetMessage(msg) and then send it. But it's when I try to recieve packets I get some annoying structural problems.

I start by reading the first byte

var packetType = (Networking.PacketTypes)incomingMsg.ReadByte();

but then I have to make a switch with a case for each packet type in order the get the correct constructor.

switch (packetType)
    case Networking.PacketTypes.PositionPacket:
        incPacket = new Packets.PositionPacket();
        incPacket = null;
//Populate packet from net message

This is the part that I don't like. I want to be able to make a generic packet handling system that handles any class deriving from Packet. I guess reflection wont be a good idea since it will kill the performance. How shall I structure this to make it more generic?


  • The instance of the specific class needs to be created somehow so you could use reflection on start-up to fill a dictionary with all available classes that derive from Packet stored by their ids.

    Creating an instance would then boil down to:

    var packetTypeId = (Networking.PacketTypes)incomingMsg.ReadByte();
    var incPackage = (Package)Activator.CreateInstance(packetTypes[packetTypeId]);

    If you are worried about creating many, many instances and expect garbage collection cycles with big impact on your application's speed you could create a pool of objects that recycles instances. As long as you drop objects, that are no longer used, back into the pool you could prevent GC cycles.

    var packetTypeId = (Networking.PacketTypes)incomingMsg.ReadByte();
    Type packetType = packetTypes[packetTypeId];
    Package incPackage;
    if(!pool.TryGetRecycledInstance(packetType, out incPackage))
        incPackage = (Package)Activator.CreateInstance(packetType);