I am just playing with angularjs and the ui-router module and I am not satisfied with it.
I am missing a function/a process that allows me to execute logic before a state is activated.
The logic is to calculate the first day of the week of the current logged in user. Thus before the weekly view of a calendar is activated I have to execute this date logic so the user gets an url like: /dateplanner/week/'firstdayOfWeek'
Its not enough for me to show a /dateplanner/week url.
Yes. In overriding a route's beforeModel function you can call this.transitionTo() and provide a different route and model as parameters. This will automatically abort the current route transition.
For example:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('dateplanner', function() {
this.resource('week', { path: "/week/:firstDay" });
App.WeekRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
beforeModel: function(transition, queryParams) {
return someFunctionToGetFirstDayReturningPromise().then(function(firstDay) {
return this.transitionTo('dateplanner.week', firstDay);
You can find another example in the guide here (one that doesn't use promises or asynchronous code):
API References: