What I want to do, I think requires you to augment the individual bindingContexts of each rendered item in a foreach or template binding.
It can be done by instantiating a custom template engine extends the bindingContext in renderTemplateSource
. But that seems hacky. There must be a better way.
What is this better way? That is my primary question.
I also want to add some bindings automatically to nodes in the anonymous templates of foreach bindings. This too, I can do with my custom template engine, but afaik that forces the automatic bindings to be added in the form of "data-bind" attribute strings. Also very funky.
Is there a cleaner way to let your custom bindings sneak in other bindings, on stuff that comes out of a foreach? That is my secondary question.
Below is a more detailed explanation of what I am trying to do. If you can suggest something cooler and cleaner, I thank you.
I am trying to write a custom binding called "uiList", to be used as such:
<ul data-bind="uiList: people">
<span data-bind="text: name"></span>
...other stuff ...
Basically, an alias to "foreach". But I also want some typical list-widget-interactivity like "selecting" an item by clicking on it. And keeping only one item at a time selected.
To elaborate on my example, I would like to make people's names editable like so:
<ul data-bind="uiList: people">
<span data-bind="text: name, visible: !$selected()"></span>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: name, visible: $selected()">
In other words, information like selectedness, disabledness et c, that relates to the ui of the list as a whole, but not to the data, should be made available in a clean and simple way on the binding context, as with the $selected
property above.
For complete functionality my html could look like this:
<ul class="ui-list" data-bind="uiList: people">
<li class="ui-list-item" data-bind="click: function () {$selected(true)}, css: $selected() ? 'ui-state-selected' : ''">
<span data-bind="text: name, visible: !$selected()"></span>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: name, visible: $selected()">
... but that's the stuff I want uiList to automate. A user should only need to write as in the previous example.
Here's how my custom binding handler code looks:
var ExtendedForeachTemplateEngine = function (contextExtender, bindings) {
this.allowTemplateRewriting = false;
this.contextExtender = contextExtender;
//prep a data-bind="..." string from the given bindings to
//sneak in on rendered anon templates
this.bindingStr = [];
for (var bindingName in bindings) {
this.bindingStr.push(bindingName + ':' + bindings[bindingName]);
this.bindingStr = this.bindingStr.join(', ');
ExtendedForeachTemplateEngine.prototype = new ko.templateEngine();
ExtendedForeachTemplateEngine.prototype.renderTemplateSource = function (templateSource, bindingContext) {
//extend the binding context
//sneak in bindings rendered anon templates. Only on the first
//Element node.
var nodes = templateSource.nodes().cloneNode(true).childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i ++) {
if (nodes[i].nodeType !== 1) continue;
var nodeBindings = nodes[i].getAttribute('data-bind');
if (nodeBindings) {
nodeBindings += ', ' + this.bindingStr;
} else {
nodeBindings = this.bindingStr;
nodes[i].setAttribute('data-bind', nodeBindings);
return nodes;
Takes data like a regular foreach. also takes a binding context-extender
callback function, and some bindings to add to each rendered template.
ko.bindingHandlers['extendedForeach'] = {
init: function (el, va, al, vm, bc) {
var opts = va();
ko.applyBindingsToNode(el, {
template: {
foreach: opts.data,
templateEngine: new ExtendedForeachTemplateEngine(opts.contextExtender, opts.bindings)
}, bc);
- adds class ui-list to the bound element
- renders the inner html for each given item.
- inner html gets ui-list-item class
- click on one of the rendered item and it is selected.
- context property $selected holds selectedness.
- selected items have class ui-state-selected,
- Only one item can be selected at a time.
ko.bindingHandlers['uiList'] = {
init: function (el, va, al, vm, bc) {
var items = va();
var selectedItem = ko.observable(null);
ko.applyBindingsToNode(el, {
extendedForeach: {
data: items,
bindings: {
css: "'ui-list-item' + ($selected() ? ' ui-state-selected' : '')",
click: "function () { $selected(true); }"
contextExtender: function (context) {
context.$selected = ko.computed({
read: function () {
return selectedItem() === context.$index();
write: function (val) {
selectedItem(val ? context.$index() : null);
}, bc);
return {controlsDescendantBindings: true};
Create a reusable viewmodel. That's the short answer.
The longer one is that you need a nice way of injecting the template for it otherwise you need to do that everywhere you use the model. One way is to use a library like my binding convention library, that way it will automatically render the correct template/view depending on the view model.
Another way is to encapsulate the reusable viewmodel in a custom binding and render the template for it using a custom template source. You can look at my combobox for an example of that