I'm converting XML to a Java Map with XStream. Each time I solve one problem, I run into another. Incredibly frustrating. Anyways, the XML looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Durapipe type="int">1</Durapipe>
<EXPLAIN type="int">2</EXPLAIN>
<woods type="int">2</woods>
<hanging type="int">3</hanging>
<hastily type="int">2</hastily>
<localized type="int">1</localized>
<Schuster type="int">5</Schuster>
The Java in my main that I'm using to implement this looks like this:
XStream xstream = new XStream();
Map<String, Integer> englishCorpusProbDist;
xstream.registerConverter(new MapEntryConverter());
englishCorpusProbDist = (Map<String, Integer>)xstream.fromXML(new File("locationOnMyComputer/frequencies.xml"));
The MapEntryConverter class that I've created looks like this:
public class MapEntryConverter implements Converter {
public class java {
public boolean canConvert(Class clazz) {
return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
public void marshal(Object value, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) {
Map<String, Integer> map = (Map<String, Integer>) value;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) {
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
while (reader.hasMoreChildren()) {
map.put(reader.getNodeName(), new Integer(reader.getValue()));
return map;
At the moment I'm getting the following exception: "Exception in thread "main" com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException: root".
Can anyone explain why this is and how I could fix this?
This question seemed like it might have the answer, but I think we're using different implementations: com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Try this:
XStream xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver());
xstream.alias("root", Map.class);
Map<String, Integer> englishCorpusProbDist;
xstream.registerConverter(new MapEntryConverter());
englishCorpusProbDist = (Map<String, Integer>)xstream.fromXML(new FileInputStream(new File("locationOnMyComputer/frequencies.xml")));