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How to unit test Jersey + Guice: ServiceLocator?

By using HK2's guice-bridge I managed to integrate Jersey 2.x with Guice 3.x.

public class MyApp extends ResourceConfig {

    public MyApp(ServiceLocator serviceLocator) {


        GuiceIntoHK2Bridge guiceBridge = serviceLocator.getService(GuiceIntoHK2Bridge.class);

But now my Jersey tests don't work anymore.

public abstract class AbstractJerseyTest extends JerseyTest {

    public AbstractJerseyTest() throws TestContainerException {
        super(new InMemoryTestContainerFactory());

    protected Application configure() {
        new MyApp(); // ERROR: missing 'ServiceLocator'


So where do I get a ServiceLocator for my unit tests?


  • We made it work with the help of Groovy:

    public class MemoryTestContainerFactory implements TestContainerFactory {
        private final Class<? extends Application> jaxrsApplicationClass;
        public MemoryTestContainerFactory(Class<? extends Application> jaxrsApplicationClass) {
            this.jaxrsApplicationClass = jaxrsApplicationClass;
        public TestContainer create(URI baseUri, DeploymentContext context) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return new MemoryTestContainer(jaxrsApplicationClass, baseUri, context);
        private static class MemoryTestContainer implements TestContainer {
            private final URI baseUri;
            private final ApplicationHandler appHandler;
            private final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(false);
            private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MemoryTestContainer.class.getName());
            MemoryTestContainer(Class<? extends Application> jaxrsApplicationClass, URI baseUri, DeploymentContext context) {
                this.baseUri = UriBuilder.fromUri(baseUri).path(context.getContextPath()).build();    
                this.appHandler = new ApplicationHandler(jaxrsApplicationClass);
            public ClientConfig getClientConfig() {
                def provider = new InMemoryConnector.Provider(baseUri, appHandler) // private access (only works with Groovy)
                return new ClientConfig().connectorProvider(provider);
            public URI getBaseUri() {
                return baseUri;
            public void start() {
                if (started.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Starting InMemoryContainer...");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Ignoring start request - InMemoryTestContainer is already started.");
            public void stop() {
                if (started.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Stopping InMemoryContainer...");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Ignoring stop request - InMemoryTestContainer is already stopped.");

    It's not pretty, but it works.