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How to Prevent Bubbling For Form Submit

I have form that calls the function GenerateWords when it is submitted and returns false.

<form id="3Form" onsubmit="GenerateWords(this); return false;">

This is causing problems with Google Tag Manager implementation as it does not bubble up to the form submit listener.

I understand event.preventDefault(); needs to be used and return false removed but don't know how to implement this. The current javascript I have is:

function GenerateWords(F) {
var strWords = F.words.value;
if ... condition is false
    return false;
if ... condition is false
    return false;
vars declared
for (var i = 0; i < ctLines; i++) {
    var strLine = arrLines[i];
    strLine = Trim(strLine.replace(/[\r]/g,""));
    if successful condition
F.result.value = oResult.join("");

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Try this in javascript:

     function GenerateWords(F,ev) {  // event object 
        if(someCondition)  // condition when the form should not be submitted.

    and you may remove return false; from the form tag and pass the event reference

    <form id="3Form" onsubmit="GenerateWords(this,event);">