Suppose that we have a very large factorial such as (10^7)!, Is there an efficient way to count its exact digits? (Wolfram alpha result says (10^7)! has 65,657060 digits)
Of course, I can't use the naive implementation by successively multiplying the value one by one since it will be too slow to evaluate the result.
I think the solution to this question might ended up in either
I would prefer 1. rather than 2. since I just want to know how many digits of the factorial. Any suggestion?
Adding up the logs of all the numbers you would multiply by should do the trick:
public long facDigits(long n) {
double logFacN = 0;
for (long i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
logFacN += Math.log10(i);
return (long) logFacN + 1;
public void test() {
double tenToThe7th = Math.pow(10, 7);
long digits = facDigits((long) tenToThe7th);
System.out.println("Digits in " + tenToThe7th + "! = " + digits);
Digits in 1.0E7! = 65657060
The logic here is that as you multiply by x
while calculating the factorial you are actually adding log10(x)
digits so here I just add those up.