Thanks a lot people for your help so far but I made a big mistake I need the derivation of a function at a specific point!
I have to calculate the first derivation of a function and I really have no clue how to get there. If I just had to calculate it for a function with just a X^1 I would know how to but I'm really stuck here.
Old Stuff:
A function can look like 2*x^2+1
The method has to look like this: double ab(double (f)(double),double x)
and my professor gave us the hint that we might should use the function:
Sorry for my bad English and thanks for any kind of hint or tip in advance.
this sample will get you started :
#include <stdlib.h>
float func(float x)
return(2*x*x + 1);
int main(){
float h=0.01;
float x;
float deriv, second;
printf("Enter x value: ");
scanf("%f", &x);
// derivative at x is the slope of infinitely small
// line of the function
deriv = (func(x+h) - func(x))/h; // I assumed the length to be h
//for second derivative you can use:
second = (func(x+h) - 2*func(x) + func(x-h))/(h*h);
printf("%f\n", deriv);
return 0;