I have a custom ArrayAdapter that uses an ArrayList<OrderedProductItem>
for my ListView. Inside this ListView I have an AutoCompleteTextView that also uses a custom ArrayAdapter with an ArrayList<Product>
. On initialization this AutoCompleteTextView contains the Names of all Products (around 1250), minus 1 (the OrderedProductItem's Product).
The User can then use a Spinner to select a Product-Tag and I create a filtered ArrayList<Product>
, so I only get a list of all Products containing this Product-Tag (still minus the 1). So, my question is: What is the best way to replace an ArrayAdapter's object-list?
I know I can just re-create and re-assign a new ArrayAdapter instance in my ListActivity:
myAdapter = new MyAdapter(this, R.layout.item_view, myList);
I also know I can use a clear and then an addAll to replace everything:
// NOTE: myAdapter.setNotifyOnChange is kept on default (true)
I guess the second one is probably best, since we don't want to create a new Instance every time, or does ArrayAdapter have some kind of method like setArray()
and I just missed it when looking for it? Or is there even another way that is better for performance than this second option?
Here you want to change data of customAdapter make a public method in adapter
public void updateData(ArrayList<T> list){
and now whenever u want to update data use these codes:
No need to re-instantiate your adapter