Please feel free to update the tittle to a more appropriate one. I was not sure how to word it.
So I have developed a habit (not sure if it is good or bad) of doing the following when I need to write jQuery
for a site. I only use this on quick and dirty jobs where a single file is needed with few dependencies and AMD, RequireJS, and CommonJS are overkill. It is based off of this article by Greg Franko.
It keeps everything safe and non-conflicting and it does help with readability. Unfortunately though once I found it it became my go to template for all things jQuery
, and I have never bothered to look into the performance impact of pitfalls of it.
That being said I would like to get some feedback on any issues that may arise with this technique, and specifically if I should use it or another technique.
When passed through JSLint
I always get the following errors:
'a' was used before it was defined.
$('#a').on('click', a);
Unused 'a'.
function a() {
I know why the errors are there and what they mean, but I would like to have a passing JS file with my configuration options, and it works...
/*jslint browser: false, couch: false, devel: false, node: false, rhino: false, passfail: false, ass: false, bitwise: false, closure: false, continue: false, debug: false, eqeq: false, evil: false, forin: false, newcap: false, nomen: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, unparam: false, sloppy: false, stupid: false, sub: false, todo: false, vars: false, white: false, indent: 4 */
/*global window, document, location, jQuery*/
(function (appLoad) {
"use strict";
appLoad(window.jQuery, window, document);
}(function ($, window, document) {
"use strict";
$(function () {
// These are executed when the document is ready
$('#a').on('click', a);
$('#b').on('click', b);
$('#c').on('click', c);
// Logic that is not dependent on the document being ready is below here.
// I typically place all my logic functions here for readability.
function a() {
function b() {
function c() {
Is there a better way of doing what I have illustrated?
JSLint is only complaining that your code looks like this:
$(function() {
$('#a').on('click', a);
function a() {
// ...
Rather than:
function a() {
// ...
$(function() {
$('#a').on('click', a);
So if you want to get rid of that warning, you could just move those functions around.
That said, at the possible expense of clarity, you could rewrite
(function (appLoad) {
"use strict";
appLoad(window.jQuery, window, document);
}(function ($, window, document) {
// ...
(function ($, window, document) {
// ...
}(window.jQuery, window, document));
But that’s not what JSLint is complaining about.